Showing posts with label ME Question Paper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ME Question Paper. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2015

CP7202 - Advanced Databases November/December 2014 Question Paper

CP 7202 Advanced Databases question paper – November/December 2014 

CP 7202 Advanced Databases question paper – November/December 2014 / Anna University Previous Year Exam Questions / Anna University Previous Year M.E. M.Tech. Computer Science and Information Technology Question Papers

Question Paper Code : 13294
M.E./M.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, November/December 2014
Second Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering (with Specialization in Networks) and M.Tech. Information Technology)

(Regulation 2013)

Time: Three hours                                                       Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Execution of a single query can be parallelized in two ways. What are they?
2. Define ACID in transaction processing.
3. Write the types of fragmentation.
4. What is operator polymorphism.
5. Define the term ‘persistence’ in object based databases.
6. List the types of spatial queries.
7. Define Handoff in mobile database.
8. Mention the components of deductive database.
9. List the goals of data mining.
10. List the merits of Web database.

PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) (i) What factors could result in skew when a relation is partitioned on one of its attributes by:                                                                                               (8)
(1) Hash partitioning
(2) Range partitioning.
In each case, what can be done to reduce the skew?
(ii) Write short notes parallel database and distributed databases.                           (8)


(b) Explain the various ways in which concurrency control can be implemented in a database. Draw the schematic diagram for two-phase locking system.            (16)

12. (a) Explain about the mandatory features of OODBMS and illustrate the syntax of OQL.                                                                                                            (16)


(b) (i) Write the differences and similarities between class and interface inheritance. (8)
(ii) Represent the following schema diagram in ODL. How do you iterate through all the persistent classes?                                                                               (8)

13. (a) (i) Explain the various spatial access methods and data structure of spatial database.                                                                                                     (8)
(ii) Write a short note on spatial data types and relationships.                       (8)


(b) Explain about temporal database and TSQL2.                                            (16)

14. (a) Explain about mobile database, location and handoff management in detail. (16)


(b) (i) Compare Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) with Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).                                                                                              (8)
(ii) What is the difference between classification and association in the context of data mining?                                                                                                        (8)

15. (a) Consider the following DTD
<!DOCTYPE bibliography [
<!ELEMENT book(title, author+, year, publisher, place?)>
<! ELEMENT article (title, author+, journal, year, number, volume, pages?)>
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
… similar PCDATA declarations for
Year, publisher, place, journal, year, member, volume, pages, lastname, firstname)]>
(i) Show how to map this DTD to a relational schema.
(ii) Create a XML document for this DTD.                                             (16)


(b) Write short notes on the following.
(i) Cloud database                                                                                        (8)
(ii) Big data analysis                                                                                     (8)



Wednesday, July 23, 2014

CP7202 - Advanced Databases May/June 2014 Question Paper

CP 7202 Advanced Databases question paper – May/June 2014

CP 7202 Advanced Databases question paper – May/June 2014 / Anna University Previous Year Exam Questions / Anna University Previous Year M.E. M.Tech. Computer Science and Information Technology Question Papers / Previous Year Anna University Exam Questions with Answers

Question Paper Code : 63294
Second Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering (with Specialization in Networks) and M.Tech. Information Technology)

(Regulation 2013)

Time: Three hours                                                       Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)

1. What is the advantage of parallelism?
2. What is the difference between parallel system and distributed system?
3. Give examples for object relational databases.
4. How is object database differentiated from relational database?
5. What is meant by spatial database?
6. Define Semantics
7. What is mobility?
8. How is mining different from searching?
9. What is structured data?
10. What is XML Schema?

PART B — (5 × 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) Define Parallel databases. Explain the inter and intra query parallelism. (16)


(b) How are the transactions are handled in distributed database? Explain. (16)

12. (a) What are the object relational features in SQL? Explain. (16)


(b) (i) Write in details about ODMG model with ODL and OQL
(ii) Distinguish object oriented and object relational databases

13. (a) What are spatial data structures? And explain any two (16)


(b) Discuss the design principles for Active rules. (16)

14. (a) Write detailed notes on Concurrency control in mobile database. (16)


(b) Explain any two retrieval models used in Information Retrieval. (16)

15. (a) Give details about approaches used to store XML documents in database. (16)


(b) Describe Cloud storage architecture and Big-data storage analysis with suitable example. (16)



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