Showing posts with label Information Retrieval MCQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Information Retrieval MCQ. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Multiple Choice Questions with Answers in Information Retrieval SET 4

Top 5 quiz questions in IR, Information retrieval quiz, information retrieval mcqs with answers, information retrieval,  stemming, query expansion, recall, search result relevance, thesaurus based query expansion, wordnet

Information Retrieval MCQs - SET 04

1. The heuristic process of cutting off one or few letters from the end of words to extract the root words from inflected words is called

a) Lemmatization

b) Stemming

c) Inverted index

d) Case folding

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2. In thesaurus-based query expansion technique, for every term t in a query, we expand the query using the synonyms and related words of t taken from the thesaurus. This can increase ______

a) precision

b) recall

c) performance

d) mean average precision

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3. Which of the following is a non-decreasing function of the number of documents retrieved?

a) precision

b) recall

c) accuracy

d) mean average precision

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4. Which of the following is not an element to measure the relevance of search results in ad hoc information retrieval?

a) A benchmark document collection

b) A benchmark suit of queries

c) An assessment of either relevant or non-relevant for each query and each document

d) A set of trained users to check the result

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5. In WordNet, the lexemes that share same form but have unrelated meanings is

a) Homonym

b) Hypernym

c) Hyponym

d) Meronym

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Sunday, July 4, 2021

Multiple Choice Questions with Answers in Information Retrieval SET 3

Top 5 quiz questions in IR, Information retrieval quiz, information retrieval mcqs with answers, information retrieval,  inverted index, zipf's law, fallout measure, term frequency, formal definition of information retrieval system

Information Retrieval MCQs - SET 03

1. A data structure that maps terms back to the parts of a document in which they appear is called

a) Lexicon

b) Dictionary

c) Inverted index

d) All of the above

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2. How the information retrieval problem can be defined formally?

a) a triple

b) a quadruple

c) a couple

d) None of the above

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3. The count of occurrences of a word in a document is referred as

a) document frequency

b) term frequency

c) collection frequency

d) change frequency

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4. Suppose the frequency of the most frequent word in a corpus of Tamil documents is 10000. What would be the estimated frequency of second most frequent in the given corpus as per Zipf’s law?

a) 10000

b) 2500

c) 5000

d) Cannot be determined

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5. The proportion of non-relevant items that has been retrieved in a given search is

a) Precision

b) Recall

c) Generality

d) Fallout

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