Showing posts with label Information Retrieval MCQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Information Retrieval MCQ. Show all posts

Monday, April 10, 2023

MCQ in Information Retrieval - What affects the Precision of an IR system?

Multiple choices questions in IR, Information Retrieval, Interview questions in IR, What affects the precision of an IR system? What is false positive error in IR evaluation metric? What is precision? Why does the increase in false positive error decreases precision?

Information Retrieval solved MCQ - Precision and false positive error

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1. ______ is affected by the number of false positive errors.

a) Precision

b) Recall

c) Both precision and recall

d) Neither precision nor recall

Answer: (a) Precision

Precision is affected by the number of false positive errors.


What is precision?

The proportion of retrieved documents those are relevant. Precision measures the system’s ability to reject any non-relevant documents in the retrieved set. Precision is measured as follows;

Precision = |RET ∩ REL|/ |RET|

where |RET ∩ REL| is the number of retrieved documents that are relevant to the given query. |RET| is the number of retrieved documents for the given query.


What is false positive error?

A false positive is an outcome where the model incorrectly predicts the positive class. In Information Retrieval, retrieval of a document that is non-relevant is referred as false positive error.

Precision is about the proportion of retrieved documents that are relevant. If a system retrieves the documents that are not relevant, then it will affect the precision (lower the precision) value.  


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Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Multiple Choice Questions with Answers in Information Retrieval SET 5

Top 5 quiz questions in IR, Information retrieval quiz, information retrieval mcqs with answers, information retrieval,  stemming, query expansion, recall, click relevance feedback, TF-IDF, IR questions answers for GATE exams, vector space retrieval

Information Retrieval MCQs - SET 05

1. Which of the following is a disadvantage of click relevance feedback method?

a) Easy availability

b) Less noisy

c) Very noisy

d) Very expensive to obtain

Click here to view answer and explanation


2. Let us suppose that the number of documents in a corpus is M, the average length of a document (in terms of number of words) is N, the size of vocabulary (number of unique keywords in the corpus) is V, the average length of a query is Q, and the average number of documents in which a query word appears is D. What is the time complexity of query processing with inverted index in vector space information retrieval?

a) V * M

b) V * D

c) Q * D

d) Q * N

Click here to view answer and explanation


3. Which of the following is true about Stemming?

a) It increases the recall and reduces the precision

b) It increases the precision and reduces the recall

c) Recall and precision are equal if you use stemming

d) None of the above

Click here to view answer and explanation


4. The TF-IDF weight a term t will be ______ when t occurs many times within a small number of documents.

a) Lowest

b) Highest

c) Cannot determine

d) Lower


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5. The TF-IDF weight of a term t will be ______ when t occurs in virtually all documents.

a) Lowest

b) Highest

c) Cannot determine

d) Lower

Click here to view answer and explanation




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What is the time complexity of query processing with inverted index in vector space information retrieval?

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