Binary search algorithm implementation using C program
/* recursive binary search*/
int bsearch(int [ ],int, int, int); //function declaration
int main( )
int a[20], i, low_index, high_index;
int position, total_keys, key_to_find
printf("\nEnter the total number of values:");
scanf("%d", &total_keys);
for(i = 0; i < total_keys; i++)
the key elements %d : ", i);
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
printf("\nEnter the key to search : ");
scanf("%d", &key_to_find);
low_index = 0;
high_index = n-1;
//the following line calls the function
bsearch with parameters
position = bsearch(a, key_to_find, low_index, high_index);
printf("Search successful, element found at position %d", position);
printf("Search unsuccessful, element not found");
int bsearch(int a[ ], int k, int lb, int ub)
int mid;
while(ub >= lb) //repeat this loop while upper bound
>= lower bound
mid=(lb+ub)/2; //finds new middle index in each iteration
if(k <
a[mid]) //if the key_to_find is smaller than middle
element of array,
ub =
mid-1; //set the new upper bound as middle-1
else if(k
> a[mid]) //if key_to_find is larger than middle
lb =
mid+1; //set the new lower bound as middle+1
else if(k
== a[mid]) //if key_to_find is equal to middle
return(mid); //return the middle element as
return (bsearch(a,k,lb,ub));
//if none of the above holds, call bsearch (recursive)
return -1; //if the key_to_find is not in the list, return
-1 to tell ‘NOT FOUND’
binary search program in C
binary search algorithm using recursive functions in C
binary search divide and conquer algorithm
binary search simple program in C