Saturday, May 17, 2014

CS2029 Advanced Database Technology Anna University question paper - May/June 2011

CS2029 Advanced Database Technology question paper - May/June 2011 / Anna University Previous Year 2011 Exam Questions for Advanced Database Technology / Anna University Previous Year 2011 Computer Science and Information Technology Question Papers / CS 606 Advanced Database Technology Question Paper

Regulations 2008
Sixth Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
Time : Three Hours                                                          Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL Questions
PART A – (10 X 2 = 20 marks)

1. Define primary key, candidate key.
2. What are the goals of data mining?
3. What is data parallelism?
4. Write short notes on horizontal fragmentation.
5. Why do database systems support concurrent execution of transactions?
6. Differentiate persistent objects and transient objects.
7. List out the types of Constructor? Give definition of each.
8. Briefly explain about applications of data warehousing.
9. Write short notes on multimedia query languages.
10. What is knowledge? What are its types?

PART B – (5 X 16 = 80 marks)

11. (a) Explain in detail about serial schedule and serializable schedule in transaction processing. (16)
(b) Explain any two principal methods for dealing with the deadlock problem. (16)

12. (a) Briefly explain about Intra-operation parallelism and Inter-operation parallelism. (16)
(b) Explain about commit protocols. (16)

13. (a) (i) Explain how the concept of the object identity in the object-oriented model differs from the concept of tuple equality in a relational model? (6)
(ii) Briefly explain about ODMG model. (10)
(b) Discuss in detail about transaction and concurrency of Object oriented databases. (16)

14. (a) Explain about data mining and association rules of data mining in detail. (16)
(b) (i)           What do you mean by a tier? For a Web, why a three tier client-server architecture is more suitable? Give a general structure of a client-server system. (8)
(ii) Briefly explain about mobile databases. (8)

15. (a) Explain about spatial and multimedia database. (16)
(b) Explain in detail about Active Databases. (16)


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