Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Advanced database management system quiz SET 02

Database management systems TRUE/FALSE quiz questions with answers, important quiz questions on RDBMS, quiz questions for entrance exams and interviews

RDBMS TRUE/FALSE Quiz Questions with Answers - SET 02

1. The arity of the relation R(A int, B int) with tuples (4,2), (2,2), (4,2), (3,3), (4,2) is 3.
(a) TRUE                                          (b) FALSE

2. A relation can have a clustered index on a set of attributes.

(a) TRUE                                         (b) FALSE

3. A foreign key does not have to reference a primary key.

(a) TRUE                                         (b) FALSE

4. An inner join between relations R and S always includes all tuples from R in the result.

(a) TRUE                                          (b) FALSE

5. A sub-query in the SELECT clause in SQL can refer to tuple variables defined in the WHERE clause.
(a) TRUE                                         (b) FALSE

6. If an attribute of a relation is a foreign key, then all records in the relation must have distinct values for that attribute.

(a) TRUE                                          (b) FALSE

7. In SQL, a relation can have at most one foreign key.

(a) TRUE                                          (b) FALSE

8. If the relation R(A, B) has m tuples, and the relation S(B, C) has n tuples, then the largest possible size of the output of the natural join R S is m*n.
(a) TRUE                                         (b) FALSE

9. A “disk block” is a mechanical device that moves over the disk platter in order to read from or write to disk.
(a) TRUE                                          (b) FALSE

10. The main advantage of a clustered index over a non-clustered index is that the clustered index uses less space.

(a) TRUE                                          (b) FALSE

1-(F), 2-(T), 3-(T), 4-(F), 5-(T), 6-(F), 7-(F), 8-(T), 9-(F), 10-(F)


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