Showing posts with label Minimal cover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minimal cover. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Normalize the table, find keys, find minimal cover - Solved exercise

Normalization Quiz - Find the keys, candidate keys of a relational table, find the minimal cover of set of functional dependencies, check whether two sets of FDs are equivalent

Normalization – Find keys, find minimal cover, check for equivalent FDs


1. Let F = {A B, AB E, BG E, CD I, E C}. The closures, A+, (AE)+ and (ADE)+ will be ________.

2. Let F = {A B, A C, BC D}. Can A determine D uniquely?
(a) Yes
(b) No

3. Let F = {AB D, B C, BC D}. Can AC determine D uniquely?
(a) Yes
(b) No

4. Let F1 = {A C, AC D, E AD} and F2 = {A CD, E AH}. Are F1 and F2 are equivalent?
(a) Equivalent
(b) Not Equivalent

5. Find the minimal cover of the set of functional dependencies given; {A BC, B C, AB D}
(a) {A C, B C, AB D}
(b) {A C, B C, B D}
(c) {A B, B C, A D}
(d) {A BC, B C, A D}

6. Find the minimal cover of the set of functional dependencies given; {A C, AB C, C DI, CD I, EC AB, EI C}
(a) {A C, C DI, C I, E A, EI C}
(b) {A C, C D, C I, EC A, EC B}
(c) {B C, C DI, D I, E AB, EI C}
(d) {A C, C DI, CD I, I C}

7. Consider a relation R with set of functional dependencies F as follows; {A B, C D, AC E, D F}. How many keys does R have and what are they?
(a) 1, {(AC)}
(b) 2, {(AC), (AD)}
(c) 3, {(AC), (BC), (ABD)}
(d) 2, {(AC), (ABD)}

8. Consider a relation R(A, B, C, D, E) with FDs AB C, CD E, C A, C D, D B. What are the keys of R?
(a) AB, AC, D
(b) AC, BD
(c) AC, AD
(d) AB, AD, C
Solution: Visit for detailed answer here.

9. Consider a relation R(A, B, C, D, E) with FDs AB C, C A, C BD, D E. What are the keys of R? Decompose R into 3NF relations.
(a) {C}, R1(ABCD), R2(DE)
(b) {BD, AB}, R1(ABCD), R2(DE)
(c) {AB, C}, R1(ABCD), R2(DE)
(d) {BD}, R1(ABC), R2(CDE)
Solution: Visit for detailed answer here.

10. Consider a relation with schema R(A, B, C, D) with functional dependencies, BC A, AD B, CD B, AC D. Find all the candidate keys of R.
(a) AC, BC, CD
(b) AC, BC
(c) AC, AD
(d) BC, CD, A
Solution: Visit for detailed answer here.


Friday, February 12, 2016

Covers for functional dependencies - what is cover set

Cover set for functional dependencies - What is cover set? - What are the steps to find a cover set? - How would we say that a set of functional dependencies covers another set of functional dependencies? - Given 2 sets of functional dependencies F1 and F2, how to find F1 covers F2 or F2 covers F1? - Finding cover set of a functional dependency set

Covers for functional dependencies

Cover set

Given 2 sets of functional dependencies F and G, the set of functional dependencies F is the cover of the set of functional dependencies G if every functional dependency in the set G can be inferred (derived) from the functional dependencies in the set F.

Example 1:
Let R (A, B, C, D, E, F) is a relation with set of functional dependencies F = { A BC, D DF } and G = { A B }.

Does F cover G?
If set of FDs of G can be inferred from F, then we would say that F covers G.
The FD A B of G can be inferred from the FD A BC of F.
No more functional dependencies are there in G. Hence, F covers G.

Does G cover F?
If set of FDs of F can be inferred from G, then we would say that G covers F.
No functional dependencies of F can be inferred from the FD A B of G.
Hence, G does not cover F.

Example 2:
Let R (A, B, C, D, E) be a relation with set of functional dependencies F = { A BC, A D, CD E } and G = { A BCE, A ABD, CD E }.

Does F cover G?
If set of FDs of G can be inferred from F, then we would say that F covers G.
The FD A BCE of G can be inferred from the FDs A BC, A D, and CD E of F. [here, A gives BCD. If you know C and D then E can be derived]
The FD A ABD of G can be inferred from the FDs A BC, and A D of F.
The FD CD E of G can be inferred from the FD CD E of F.
All the three FDs of G can be inferred from FDs of F. Hence, F covers G.

Does G cover F?
If set of FDs of F can be inferred from G, then we would say that G covers F.
The FD A BC of F can be inferred from the FD A BCE of G.
The FD A D of F can be inferred from the FD A ABD of G.
The FD CD E of F can be inferred from the FD CD E of G.
All the three FDs of F can be inferred from FDs of G. Hence, G covers F.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Normalization - Solved exercises Home

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